姓名: 李志伟 职称: 研究员 电话: 027-86780717 email: zwli@whigg.ac.cn 地址: 湖北省武汉市徐东大街340号 | 性别: 男 学历: 博士 邮编: 430077 | | 简历: 2016.01-- 中国科学院测量与地球物理研究所, 研究员 2011.03--2015.12 中国科学院测量与地球物理研究所, 副研究员 2008.07--2011.02 中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所, 博士后 2007.01--2008.01 美国伦斯勒理工学院 , 联合培养博士生 2003.09--2008.06 中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所 , 硕博研究生 1999.09--2003.07 中国科学技术大学地球和空间科学学院 , 本科 研究方向: 地震学与地壳浅层及深部结构成像方法。研究方法包括密集台阵成像,地震体波/面波层析成像,接收函数波形反演,近震转换波,短周期面波等。 承担科研项目情况: selected publications (first/corresponding author, and papers with graduate students ): -
wang s, li z w*. s-wave attenuation of the shallow sediments in the north china basin based on borehole seismograms of local earthquakes. geophys. j. int., 2018, in press. doi: 10.1093/gji/ggy223. -
li z w, ni s d, roecker s, bao f, wei x, yuen d a. seismic imaging of source region in the 1976 ms 7.8 tangshan earthquake sequence and its implications for the seismogenisis of intraplate earthquakes. bull. seismo. soc. amer., 2018, 108(3a), 1302-1313. - bao f, li z w*, yuen d a, zhao j z, ren j, tian b f, meng q j. shallow structure of the tangshan fault zone unveiled by dense seismic array and horizontal-to-vertical spectral ratio method. phys. earth planet. inter., 2018, 281, 46-54.
li x l, hao t y, li z w*. upper mantle structure and geodynamics of the sumatra subduction zone from 3-d teleseismic p-wave tomography. journal of asian earth sciences, 2018, 161, 25-34. -
yan, p., li, z.w., li, f., yang, y., hao, w., and bao, f.: antarctic ice sheet thickness estimation using the horizontal-to-vertical spectral ratio method with single-station seismic ambient noise, the cryosphere, 2018, 12, 795-810.【pdf】 -
li x l, li z w*, hao t y, wang s, xing j. a multi-frequency receiver function inversion approach for crustal velocity structure. computers & geoscicences, 2017, 102, 45-55.【pdf】 -
wang y, li z w*, you q y, hao t y, et al. shear-wave velocity structure of the shallow sediments in the bohai sea from an ocean-bottom-seismometer survey. geophysics, 2016, 81(3), id25-id36. 【pdf】 -
li z w, ni s d, zhang b l, bao f, zhang s q, deng y, yuen d. shallow magma chamber under the wudalianchi volcanic field unveiled by seismic imaging with dense array. geophys. res. lett., 2016, 43,4954-4961.【pdf】 - li z w, roecker s, kim k h, xu y, hao t y. moho depth variations in the taiwan orogen from joint inversion of seismic arrival time and bouguer gravity data. tectonophysics, 2014, 632, 151-159. 【pdf】
li z w, ni s d, somerville p. resolving shallow shear-wave velocity structure beneath station cbn by waveform modeling of the mw 5.8 mineral, virginia earthquake sequence. bull. seismo. soc. amer., 2014, 104(2), 944-952. 【pdf】 -
li z w, ni s d, roecker s. interstation pg and sg differential traveltime tomography in the northeastern margin of the tibetan plateau: implications for spatial extent of crustal flow and segmentation of the longmenshan fault zone. phys. earth planet. inter., 2014, 227, 30-40. 【pdf】 - li z w, tian b f, liu s, yang j s. asperity of the 2013 lushan earthquake in the eastern margin of tibetan plateau from seismic tomography and aftershock relocation. geophys. j. int., 2013, 195, 2016-2022. 【pdf】
li z w, you q y, ni s d, hao t y, wang h t, zhuang c t. waveform retrieval and phase identification for seismic data from the cass experiment. pure appl. geophys., 2013, 170, 815-830. 【pdf】 -
li z w, ni s d, hao t y, xu y, roecker s. uppermost mantle structure of the eastern margin of the tibetan plateau from interstation pn traveltime difference tomography. earth planet. sci. lett., 2012, 335-336, 195-205. 【pdf】 -
li z w, hao t y, xu y, xu y. an efficient and adaptive approach for modeling gravity effects in spherical coordinates. j. appl. geophys., 2011, 73, 221-231. 【pdf】 - li z w, hao t y, xu y. uppermost mantle structure of the north china craton: constraints from interstation pn travel time difference tomography. chinese sci bull , 2011, 56: 1691-1699. 【pdf】
li z w, xu y, huang r q, hao t y, xu y, liu j s, liu j h. crustal p-wave velocity structure of the longmen shan region and its tectonic implications for the 2008 wenchuan earthquake. sci china earth sci , 2011, 54, 1386-1393. 【pdf】 -
li z w, hao t y, xu y, xu y, roecker s. a global optimizing approach for waveform inversion of receiver functions. computers & geosciences, 2010, 36, 871-880. 【pdf】 -
li z w, roecker s, li z h, wei b, wang h t, schelochkov g, bragin v. tomographic image of the crust and upper mantle beneath the western tien shan from the manas broadband deployment: possible evidence for lithospheric delamination. tectonophysics, 2009, 477, 49-57. 【pdf】 - li z w, xu y, hao t y, xu y. vp and vp/vs structures in the crust and upper mantle of the taiwan region, china. sci china ser d-earth sci, 2009, 52(7), 975-983. 【pdf】
- li z w, xu y, hao t y, xu y. liu j s. p wave velocity structure in the crust and upper mantle beneath northeastern south china sea and surrounding regions. earth science frontiers, 2009, 16(4), 252-260.
晏鹏 李志伟 李斐 杨元德 郝卫峰 周磊. 基于远震接收函数的南极大陆冰盖厚度研究. 地球物理学报, 2017, 60(10), 3780-3792.【pdf】 -
张宝龙 李志伟* 包丰 邓阳 游庆瑜 张森琦. 基于微动方法研究五大连池火山区尾山火山锥浅层剪切波速度结构. 地球物理学报, 2016, 59(10):3662-3673. 【pdf】 -
李志伟 黄志斌 王晓欣 韩立波 陈伟文 包丰. usgs地震目录中4~5级震源深度异常地震可靠性初步研究:以南北地震带若干地震为例.地球物理学报, 2015, 58(4): 1236~1250. 【pdf】 -
李志伟, 胥颐, roecker s, 郝天珧, 刘劲松. 中天山地区的pn 波速度结构与各向异性. 地球物理学报, 2007, 50(4): 1066~1072. -
李志伟, 胥颐, 郝天珧, 刘劲松, 张岭. 环渤海地区的地震层析成像与地壳上地幔结构. 地球物理学报, 2006, 49(3): 797~804. selected coauthor publications: - 董一兵 倪四道 李志伟 孟立朋 朱音杰 刘新. 基于近震转换波的沉积层地区震源深度测定方法. 地球物理学报, 2018, 61(1), 199-215.
- ojo a o, ni s d, li z w. crustal radial anisotropy beneath cameroon from ambinent noise tomography. tectonophysics, 2017, 696-697, 37-51.
- riaz m s, zheng y, xiong x, xie z j, li z w, song m q. refined 3d seismic‐velocity structures and seismogenic environment of the ms 6.5 ludian earthquake. bull. seismo. soc. amer., 2017, 107(6), 3023-3036.
- wei z g, chen l, li z w, ling y, li j. regional variation in moho depth and poisson's ratio beneath eastern china and its tectonic implications. journal of asian earth sciences, 2016, 115, 308-320.
xing j, hao t y, xu y, li z w. integration of geophysical constraints for multilayer geometry refinements in 2.5d gravity inversion. geophysics, 2016, 81(5), g95-g106. - kim h j, lee g h, choi, d l, jou h t, li z w, zheng y, kim g y, lee s h, kwon y k. back-arc rifting in the korea plateau in the east sea (japan sea) and the separation of the southwestern japan arc from the korean margin. tectonophysics, 2015, 638, 147-157.
ni s d, li z w, somerville p. estimating subsurface shear velocity with radial to vertical ratio of local p waves. seismo. res. lett., 2014, 85, 82-90. -
guo a z, wang y, li z w, ni s d, wu w b, liu g y, zheng y, simons m. observation of core phase scs from the mw9.0 tohoku-oki earthquake with high-rate gps. seismo. res. lett., 2013, 84(4), 594-599. -
hao t y, you q y, liu l h, lv c c, xu y, li z w, zhao c l, zheng y p, liu c g, han g z. joint land-sea seismic survey and research on the deep structures of the bohai sea areas. acta oceanol. sin., 2013, 32(12), 13-24. - xu y, yang x t, li z w, liu j h. seismic structure of the tengchong volcanic area southwest china from local earthquake tomography. j. volcano. geotherm. res., 2012, 239-240, 83-91.
- xu y, li z w, huang r q, et al. seismic structure of the longmen shan region from s-wave tomography and its relationship with the wenchuan ms 8.0 earthquake on 12 may 2008, southwestern china. geophys. res. lett., 2010, 37, l02304.
xu y, li z w, huang r q, et al. pn-wave velocity anisotropy of the western sichuan and longmen mountain region, china. science china earth sciences, 2010, 53(11), 1665-1670. - xu y, hao t y, li z w, duan q l, zhang l l. regional gravity anomaly separation using wavelet transform and spectrum analysis. j. geophys. eng., 2009, 6, 279-287.
xu y, li z w, roecker s. uppermost mantle structure and its relation with seismic activity in the central tien shan. geophys. res. lett., 2007, 34, l10304. for more information, please visit my