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学术报告20111017-prof. reinhard rummel/prof. liqiu meng, president/dr. weiyong yi
2011-10-17| 【 】|阅读次数: |文章来源:

academic report


time:monday, oct. 17, 2011

location: no. 2 conference room





9:00 — 9:10

welcome and introduction of igg

prof. heping sun, director

igg, china

9:10 — 9:25

introduction of tum double education program

prof. liqiu meng, president

tum, germany

9:25 — 10:25

goce satellite gravity gradiometry mission

future satellite gravimetry missions

satellites for the study of the earth's interior

prof. reinhard rummel

tum, germany

10:25 — 10:40

tea break

10:40 — 11:10

satellite gravity recovery from goce

dr. weiyong yi

tum, germany

11:10 — 11:25

potential of monitoring glacier motion in tibet with sar interferometry

prof. liming jiang

igg, china

11:25 — 11:40

progress of satellite gravity research in china

assoc. prof. wei zheng

igg, china

tum:institute for astronomical and physical geodesy (iapg), technical university of munich (tum), germany

igg: key laboratory of dynamic geodesy (kldg), institute of geodesy and geophysics (igg), chinese academy of sciences (cas), china


professor reinhard rummel


institute of astronomical and physical geodesy

technische universität münchen

arcisstrasse 21

80290 münchen



present position:

professor at institute of astronomical and physical geodesy (iapg)

and institute of advanced study (ias)

technische universität münchen, germany

academic record

1966-70    student geodetic engineering, technische universität münchen

1970-74 research scientist, technical university darmstadt, germany

1974        doctorate in geodetic engineering, technical university darmstadt

1974-76     post doctoral research at the department of geodetic science, ohio state university, columbus, usa

1976-78    research scientist, german geodetic research institute (dgfi),


1978-80     research scientist, commission for international geodesy, bavarian academy of sciences and humanities, münchen

1980-93    professor and chair physical geodesy, delft university of technology,

the netherlands

1993-2009        professor and director of iapg, technische universität münchen

2009-        professor at iapg and carl von linde senior fellow of ias


introduction to earth system sciences, international master course espace

scientific interests:

physical geodesy, satellite gravimetry, gravitational gradiometry, applications of satellite gravimetry in earth sciences

one of the initiators of the satellite mission goce

research focussed on the esa satellite mission goce

co-ordinator of the goce high level processing facility (esa contract)

goce mission advisory group


bataafsch genootschap der proefondervindelijke wijsbegeerte, rotterdam (1987)

fellow american geophysical union (1993)

fellow international association of geodesy (1994)

royal netherlands academy of sciences (1989)

bavarian academy of sciences and humanities (1997)

honorary member hungarian academy of sciences (2001)

deutsche akademie der naturforscher leopoldina (german national academy of sciences) (2004)

leibniz-society of sciences, berlin (2007)

honors (selection):

heiskanen award ohio state university (1977)

annual award, royal institute of engineers of the netherlands, 1987

vening meinesz medal european geophysical society (1998)

honorary doctoral degree technische universität graz, austria (2005)

honorary doctoral degree universität bonn (2005)

annual award for outstanding teaching, state of bavaria (11.12.2006)

bayerischer verdienstorden, state of bavaria (11.07.2008).

services (selection)

chairman netherlands geodetic commission (1987-1993)

permanent secretary german geodetic commission (1996-2009)

member european space science committee (1991-1996)

esa fundamental physics advisory group of esa (1994-1996)

secretary section "space geodesy" of the international association of               geodesy (iag) (1987-1995)

president section "space geodesy" of the international association of               geodesy (iag) (1995 – 1999) 

earth science advisory board of esa (1994-1999 and 2005-2009)

science committee of international space science institute (issi), bern, switserland (2005-2010)

chairman goce high level processing facility (hpf) (since 2005)

coordination german goce project office, funded by dlr (2005-2010)

chairman research committee on geodesy bavarian academy sciences (since 1998)

dean of faculty of civil and geodetic engineering, technische universität münchen (2003-2006)

review articles:

geodesy’s contribution to geophysics, interdisciplinary science reviews, vol. 9, nr. 2, s. 113-122, 1984;

theory of satellite geodesy and gravity field determination, eds.: f. sansò & r. rummel, lecture notes in earth sciences, 25, 491 s., springer, heidelberg, 1989;

geodesy, encyclopedia of earth system science, vol. 2, s. 253-262, academic press 1992; satellite altimetry in geodesy and oceanography, eds.: r. rummel & f. sansò, lecture notes in earth sciences, 50, 479 s., springer, berlin, 1993;

geodetic boundary value problem in view of the one centimeter geoid, eds.: f. sansò & r. rummel, lectures notes in earth sciences, 65, 592 s., springer, berlin, 1997.

publications (selection):

rummel, r., j.a. johannessen: earth interior, esa earth observation quaterly, 63, 9 – 11, 1999.

balmino, g., f. perosanz, r. rummel , n. sneeuw , h. sünkel: champ, grace and goce: missionconcepts and simulations, boll. geof. teor. applic., 40, 3-4, s. 309-319, 1999.

gelderen, m. van, r. rummel: the solution of the general geodetic boundary value problem by least squares, journal of geodesy, 75, s. 1-11, 2001.

rummel, r., g. balmino, j. johannessen, p. visser, p. woodworth: dedicated gravity field missions -principles and aims, journal of geodynamics, 33, 3-20, 2002.

beutler, g., m. r. drinkwater, r. rummel, r. von steiger: earth gravity field from space – from sensors to earth sciences, space science reviews, 108:1-2, kluwer, dordrecht, 2003.

göttl, f., r. rummel: a geodetic view on isostatic models, pure appl. geophys., 166, 1247-1260, doi 10.1007/s00024-004-0489-x, 2009.

albertella, a., r. rummel: on the spectral consistency of the altimetric ocean and geoid surface, a one-dimensional example, j of geodesy 83: 805-815, doi 10.1007/s00190-008-02999-5, 2009.

flury, j., r. rummel: on the geoid-quasigeoid separation in mountain areas, j of geodesy 83: 829-847, doi 10.1007/s00196-009-0302-9, 2009.

rummel, r.: the interdisciplinary role of space geodesy-revisited, j geodynamics, doi 10.1016/j.jog.2009.10.006, 2009.


姓名:liqiu meng (孟立秋,孟丽秋)





多源空间数据集成,国家基本地形图的自动综合,高分辨率遥感数据挖掘,多制式导航数据结构和算法,时空城市模型,小屏幕可视化系统设计(详细内容见 www.carto-tum.de)

任 3 种国际学术期刊、斯普林格出版社(springer)空间信息科学百科全书和斯普林格出版社空间信息及地图学系列教科书编委。




1978-1982 工学学士,解放军信息工程大学测绘学院


1982-1985 工学硕士,同上


1988-1993 工学博士,联邦德国汉诺威大学工程建筑和测量学院

导师:prof. d. grünreich (原德国测绘局局长)

prof. d. morgenstern (原德国自然科学基金会地学部项目主审)

1997-1998 教授资格,瑞典斯德哥尔摩皇家工学院工程建筑和测量学院

导师:prof. k. torlegård (原国际遥感摄影测量学协会主席)

prof. b. rystedt (原国际制图协会主席)


1985.02 - 1988.03 助教,解放军信息工程大学测绘学院

1993.02 - 1994.07 助研,德国汉诺威大学工程建筑和测量学院

1994.08 - 1996.09 高级讲师,瑞典耶夫勒大学技术系

1996.10 - 1998.09 瑞典sweco公司高级技术咨询,同时在瑞典斯德哥尔摩皇家工学院任教

1998.10 - c4终身教授,慕尼黑工业大学航空摄影测量和地图学研究所所长

2006.10 - 2008.03 慕尼黑工业大学工程建筑和测量学院副院长

2008.04 - 慕尼黑工业大学第一副校长


- 中科院首批海外评审专家

- 同济大学校董

- 中国海外杰出青年基金

- 德国国家科学院院士(german national academy of sciences leopoldina)

- 巴伐利亚皇家科学院德国大地测量学部科学顾问(scientific advisory board of

german geodetic commission of bavarian academy of sciences)

- 德国亥姆霍兹大科学联合会参议员,负责“ 地球和环境” 专题的国家决策(senate of helmholtz association of german research centres)

- 德国马克斯.普朗克学会生物化学和神经生物学研究所监事会成员(trustees of

institute of biochemistry and neurobiology, max-planck-society)

- 德国精英大学未来计划首席科学家(principal investigator of future plan of elite


- 海因兹.迈耶尔-莱布尼兹奖章(heinz maier-leibnitz medal, 为纪念德国核物理之父heinz maier-leibnitz 所设的杰出科学家奖)

- 卡鲁斯奖 (carus medal and prize, 为纪念德国国家科学院第13任院长carl gustav carus 所设的杰出科学成就奖)

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