主讲人:赵丰 教授(所长)
earth/planetary gravitational variations and rotation dynamics. global geodynamics and seismology. global sea level and geophysical fluids changes.digital data analysis and inverse theory.
[学 历]
ph.d.,1981:earth sciences, scripps institution of oceanography, university of california, san diego
b.s. ,1973 :physics, national taiwan university.
[职 务]
[荣 誉]
foundation for the advancement of outstanding scholarship award,2009~2010
tsmc outstanding chair professorship, 2006~2008
adjunct researcher, institute of geodesy and geophysics, chinese academy of sciences,2006~
the einstein professorship, chinese academy of sciences,2005
honorary professorship,graduate university of the chinese academy of sciences,2005
fellow, international association of geodesy,1995
nasa gsfc outstanding performance awards,1991~1992, 1994~1996, 1998, 2000, 2003~2004
excellence in refereeing: j. geophys. res.,amer. geophys. union,1990

prof. benjamin fong chao (赵丰) is the director of institute of earth sciences, academia sinica, taipei, taiwan and emeritus of nasa goddard space flight center, usa, now. he get his ph.d. at earth sciences, scripps institution of oceanography, university of california, san diego (thesis adviser: prof. freeman gilbert) in 1981. he services as scientist and head of space geodesy branch in nasa for 25 years and then come back to taiwan as the professor and dean of college of earth science, ncu in 2006. he is one of the best geodesist and geophysicist of the world. he was honored and awards as excellence in refereeing of j. geophys. res.; nasa gsfc outstanding performance; honorary professorship,graduate university of the cas; einstein professorship, cas; and fellow of iag, member of agu, iau, iugg, etc.. he is the associate editor of j. geophys. res. (solid earth) and one of the best reviewer for many publishing magazines.
his major fields of research include: earth/planetary gravitational variations and rotation dynamics, global geodynamics and seismology, global sea level and geophysical fluids changes, digital data analysis and inverse theory. he had published more than 100 papers in science, jgr, grl, gjras, gji, etc. he present more than 350 presentations/abstracts (many invited) in the international conferences, and more powerful, he published nearly 50 popular science in chinese from he as a scientist from 1980 to now.
some popular papers:
chao, b. f. and gross, r. s., changes in the earth's rotation and low-degree gravitational field induced by earthquakes, geophys. j. roy. astron. soc., 91, 569‑596, 1987.
chao, b. f., length‑of‑day variations caused by el niño‑southern oscillation and quasi-biennial oscillation, science, 243, 923‑925, 1989.
chao, b. f., anthropogenic impact on global geodynamics due to water impoundment in major reservoirs, geophys. res. lett., 22, 3533-3536, 1995.
chao, b. f., a concrete terrestrial testimony of milankovitz cycle in earth's changing obliquity, eos, trans. amer. geophys. union, 77, 433, 1996. also in earth in space, agu, dec, 1996.
chao, b. f., r. s. gross, and y. b. han, seismic excitation of the polar motion, 1977-1993, pure and applied geophysics, 146, 407-419, 1996.
nasa’s interest in space geodesy related to medpark in univ. alicante, spain, 2000.
cox, c., and b. f. chao, detection of a large-scale mass redistribution in the terrestrial system since 1998, science, 297, 831-833, 2002.
chao, b. f., and r. s. gross, did the 26 december 2004 sumatra, indonesia, earthquake disrupt the earth’s rotation as the mass media have said? eos, trans. amer. geophys. union, 86, 1-2, 2005.
chao, taiwan shaken by an uncommon earthquake, eos, trans. amer. geophys. union, 88, 2, 2007.
chao, b.f., y.h. wu, and y.s. li, impact of artificial reservoir water impoundment on global sea level, science, doi: 10.1126/science.1154580, 2008.
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